August 27, 2008

What. (Rua do norte, 113)

This gate is a Lisbon sticker classic, and an icon of the Street Museu Pamepero Fundación. Here we can observe the different sticker styles and formats, amongst which stands out the work from What, The figures with sentences written on their bellies. The work’s author is a natural from Mendonza, Argentina. He has been developing his art at an international level for many years. His sentences, always provocative and straight to the point are his formula to ensure that they never go unnoticed to the passers by. To know more about this artist go to: http://www.whatattack.blogspot.com

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To visit the Museu Efemero, you just need to print the map, download the podcast, and it's done.
You are ready to go out there with your mp3 player and start knowing everything about the artists of the first ephemeral museum in the world.
We recommend you take a Dirty Pampero with ice for the tour

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